The Cobbler

A shoe-crafting adventure platformer set on a medieval island, with educational undertones of reusing and recycling.

The Plot

The Cobbler  is a shoe-crafting adventure platformer set on a medieval island, with educational undertones of reusing and recycling.

One of Mother Earth’s protected islands has suddenly been desecrated with used and tattered shoes, catapulted from a nearby passing vessel.

In a reactionary response, Mother Earth is about to unleash her wrath, conjuring cunning Shoe Monsters from the remains and spawning her very own Angry Flora.

The townsfolk who inhabit the island are now trapped within their settlements and inter-village trade has come to a halt.

Charlie, an eager pre-teen, comes across a pair of strange futuristic shoes and takes them to The Cobbler for investigation. Being a perfect fit, they take it upon themselves to set off toward Mother Earth’s challenges, finding a way to rid the island of her wrath.

Using their shoes, Charlie will fight shoe monsters, collect materials and head back to The Cobbler to craft the very shoe they are made of. The cycle continues throughout each vibrant biome where Charlie is to clear the paths between the villages and accumulate many new skills with each new pair of footwear.

Along the way, Charlie will find items with educational facts about how different footwear materials last in landfill, ways to keep shoes in good shape, and ideas on how to upcycle them.

Will Charlie succeed in this task, or will Mother Earth’s wrath prevail?

Main Characters

Charlie (Protagonist)

The Cobbler (Confidant)

Mother Earth (Antagonist)

Shoe Monsters

Scattered across the island, you will find particular Shoe Monsters resemble the type of boss you will face, and ultimately the modern shoe you will be able to craft. Each species have their own set of skills and weaknesses — beware!

Doc Monsters

Doc Boss

Mother Earth has spawned Angry Flora across the whole island, making combat and platform traversal a little more spicy! Consider them environmental hazards.

Angry Flora


Pew Pews


Shoe Combat

Your shoes are your weapons, we call them Shweapons! There are multiple shoes to craft throughout the game, each having their own passive, physical or magical abilities. When in use, they amass a visual flair between Martial Arts, Breakdancing. You can alternate between your crafted shoes at any time.

Shoe Crafting

You will craft new shoes in the form of a point and click activity that takes place at the back of the Cobbler’s Workshop, in the Shoe Crafting Room. You’ll utilize a cauldron, a last, a cobbler’s hammer, cobbler’s knife, awl and twine, tacks, potato glue, and other shoe-making equipment for different stages of assembly.


We want our players to have the choice to identify with our protagonist, Charlie. We chose the name Charlie as we consider it gender neutral, and have designed them in a way that they look androgynous. There is an option to pick their pronouns which will be reflected in conversations with NPC’s.


Accessibility options allow our players to feel valued. So why wouldn’t we?

What we’ll offer (so far):
Invincibility Mode
Colourblind Settings with Adjustable Sliders
Use of Shapes and Symbols
Text Size Customization
Audio Cues

Please Wait, There’s MORE!!

We hope these few pieces of lore, art and hints of gameplay has intrigued your minds.

We are set out to create a unique platformer that has a dynamic pace throughout the game, we hope you’ll be hooked!

For now, follow us on our socials @thecobblergame and @chromaticpie or sign up to our Newsletter.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Charlie was designed to look androgynous. We’re allowing players to choose their pronouns at the beginning of the game, a selection that will be reflected during conversations with NPC’s

  • Prototype phase! With careful planning, we expect to have our playable prototype complete in Q4 2023

  • Most likely! We need to ensure we come up with a stellar and handsome plan that works for both us and the community!

  • The Cobbler is planned to release after 2.5 years of development. The current margin for its release is Q4 2025

  • We believe accessibility should be baked in well before that very first play-test, then iterated upon as needed. This is an area our studio would love to innovate in. We will try our best with the resources we have, and be transparent along the way.

  • From the get-go, our protagonist Charlie has always been androgynous facing. We want our players to have the choice of identifying with Charlie from the beginning menu. This involves options of pronouns, skin colouring and (potentially) voice.

  • Yes! It is an ever evolving deck that has all the core aspects of The Cobbler unraveling inside. Interested parties can request to view via email

Disclaimer: All content and information for The Cobbler is subject to change or alter throughout the game development process. All rights reserved.